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Join AAPLOG Today!

AAPLOG is an organization of life-affirming medical professionals dedicated to providing evidence-based medical information about the effects of abortion on women and to defending the right of health care professionals to practice medicine according to the Hippocratic Oath.

We are a membership-funded organization, incorporated as a non-profit 501(c)(3). As such, your donations are tax-deductible. Dues may be deductible as professional expenses.

You have different options for membership and involvement with us, depending on your particular practice situation. There are many great benefits to being an AAPLOG member, and you don’t have to be an ObGyn to join.  We have subsections for EM, FM, MFM, Midwifery, Mental Health, Medical Professionals of Color, and Student/Residents. Referrals Welcome! 


Choose the level that best describes you:

Lifetime Member

$7,000 one time donation

Practicing Physician (all specialties)

$350 / year

Retired Physician

$175 / year

Medical or Other Healthcare Professional Student or Resident Physician in Training


Other Healthcare Professional
(RN, CNM, NP, PA, LMHC, etc.)

$175 / year

Retired Healthcare Professional
(RN, CNM, NP, PA, LMHC, etc.)

$100 / year

PCC, Pro-Life or other Non-Profit Organization, or Non-Medical Individual

$175 / year