We the undersigned medical professionals join with the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) in urging you to stop misrepresenting laws that regulate induced abortion on social media and in your publications, and to instead accurately interpret them for your members as well as issue clear guidance regarding how physicians can provide essential life-saving care to pregnant women in accordance with these laws.
Every state abortion law in the country clearly allows physicians to intervene to treat serious pregnancy complications. They do not require that a pregnant woman be at imminent risk of death to allow intervention, even if there is still a fetal heartbeat present.
These laws do not hinder high-quality patient care. Rather, it is widespread misinformation about them, as well as a lack of clarification by hospital attorneys and medical organizations such as yours, that cause physicians to needlessly delay care for women in potentially life-threatening situations.
This confusion is entirely unnecessary. These laws are consistent with the way that the 76-93% of OB/GYNs who do not perform induced abortions practice medicine. Furthermore, all physicians in these states with laws regulating abortion are legally able to provide essential and lifesaving reproductive health services.
By making – and doubling down on – false claims about these laws, and by refusing to provide accurate guidance for physicians in states with abortion laws, ACOG has only contributed to the harmful confusion. ACOG’s recent actions have been nothing less than a betrayal of the OB/GYNs it claims to support, as well as the medical profession as a whole and, more importantly, the patients we have committed our careers to serving.
As our nation’s largest OB/GYN professional organization, ACOG has the duty to share facts and promote clarity, not spread disinformation and fear within our profession. It is imperative that ACOG acknowledge the diversity of medical opinions amongst its membership and help ensure that American women receive life-saving healthcare in a timely fashion by sharing accurate information about abortion laws, regardless of the leadership’s personal feelings about those laws.
The American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Yujin Van Auken, Rn
Maureen Curley, PhD APRN
Christina Cirucci, MD
John Voltz, MD
John Curlin, MD
Joe Cloud, MD
Deborah Honeycutt, MD
Donita Bylski-Austrow, PhD
Sarah Marrufo, SAHM
Diana Newman, RN Ed.D.
Elbridge Bills, MD
Christie Mileur, MD
Anna Serra-Radford, Manager
Anonymous Petitioner
Anonymous Petitioner
Cathy Hoyt, ED
Stephen Scarantino, MD
Larry Davis, PRC Board
David Martinez, MD
Rebecca Pullen, CNM, NP-C
Karen Pennington, Dr
Kay Delaney, RN
Lawrence Gibbs, MD
James Davidson, MD
Grace Small, MA
Fidelma Rigby, MD
Beverly Scott, MD
James Kedrow, PA-C
Richard A Watson, MD
Damian Birchess, M.D.
Elizabeth Tovado, RN BSN
Joy Greer, MD
Peter Zimmer, MD
Dermot Kearney, MD
Anne Kern, MD
Holly Miller, MD
Anonymous Petitioner
Charlotte Kedrow, RN, DMS
Alice Rainville, PhD
Elizabeth Nelson, MD
Alex Bloomquist, PA-C
Brian Holsinger, D.O.
Barbara Susang-Talamo, MD
Carmen Peden, MDPhD
Yvonne Bontkowski, Mrs
Madison Jarboe, PA-C
Anonymous Petitioner
Timothy Teusink, MD
Anonymous Petitioner
Hanna Klaus, MD
Elizabeth Larson, MD
Steve Hammond, MD
Myles Dotto, MD
Wendy smith, ACNP-retired
Andrea Miller, MD
Laura Downing, MD
Tamberly McCarus, MD
Theodore Rogers, MD
Thomas Sparks, MD
Alan Murnane, MD
Ronald Stoddard, MD
Katrina Conrad, MD
Ronald Young, MD
Thomas Perille, MD
Josette Chamberlain, MD
Nicholas Stephanoff, MD
Kathy OConnell, MD
Erin Luna, DO
Frederick Meier, MD,CM
Mary Jo Heinrichs, MD
Jeffrey Blake, MD, FACOG, FPMRS
Christi Redmon, MD
James Linn, MD
Marilyn Vanover, MD
Deborah Abner, LM
Mary Nickel, RN
Czarina Helf, MD
David Lee, MD
Damon Cudihy, MD
Anonymous Petitioner
Robert Fortier-BensonMD, MD
Anonymous Petitioner
Marcus Blass, MD
Susan Rutherford, MD
Thomas Gray, MD
Amanda Kieturkus, RN
Stephen Iacoboni, MD
Priscilla Burgmayer, CNM, APRN, MSN
Adam Van Lieshout, PA-C
Paul Carpentier, MD, CFCMC, MD, CFCMC
Mary Witzlib, RN
Milinda Morris, MD
Claudia M, LPC
Anonymous Petitioner
Anthony Graziano, MD, MA
Donna LaFontaine, MD
Kirby Plessala, MD
Anonymous Petitioner
Steven Braatz, MD
Debora Boucher, APRN-FPA, CNM
Julie Webb, MD
Jessica James, RN
Anonymous Petitioner
Murray Joseph Casey, MD, MS, MBA, PhD, FACS, FACOG
Julie Gallenstein Julie, RN
Jerry Wittingen, MD
Dirk Carlson, MD
Brian Crisp, MD
Anonymous Petitioner
Clint Leonard, MD, FACOG
Emily Peters, MD
Richard Hrezo, CRNA
Patricia Kenney, RN
Larissa Meyer, MD
Anonymous Petitioner
Korine Tyree, BSN RN PHN
Samantha Doty, PA-C
Lewis Bradley Fields, MD
Lance Plyler, MD
Anonymous Petitioner
Kathy Mercer, MA, MSN, RNC-OB, CNM
Edward Hall, MD
Gina Bednar, RN, MSN, CPNP
Kathleen Menown, RN, MSN
Anonymous Petitioner
Vivien Wong, MD
Sarah Junk, RN
Richard Duffey, MD
Betsy Manor, MD
Barbara Davenport, CNM
Janean Doherty, RN
John Andrews, DVM, PhD
Janet Romano, MD
Larry Stutts, MD FACOG
Jaime Payne, MD MPH
Robb Hicks, MD
Pay Suhr, RN BSN
Kathleen Raviele, MD
John L Worden IV, MD
Angela Jackson-Lopez, MD
Sandra Hudson, RN
Paul Dassow, MD
Gloria Sacco Sacco, PA-C
John Stallworth, M.D.
Carley Robertson, MD
Jennifer Anderson, MD
Sharai Amaya, MD
D. Lee Goldstein, MD
Catherine Stark, MD
Federico De Miranda, MD
Anonymous Petitioner
Tiffany Gebel, Md
Christopher Fyock, MD
Lhissa Santana, MD
Faith Daggs, MD
James M Anderson, Md
Donna Ezell, RN
Jodi Gehring, MD
Matthew Sellers, MD
Joy Draper, MD, FACOG, FAAFP
Kristen Bracy, MD
Jonathan Alley, DO
Kay Chandler, MD, FACOG
Mary Bentley, RN
Yan-Hua Liu, MD
Mary Grace Lasquety, MD
Bryan Casey, D.O.
Ingrid Skop, MD
Dorian Goldstein, MD
Jay Erickson, MD
Jeffrey Chandler, DDS
Esther Street, M.D.
Anonymous Petitioner
Karen Rial, Medical Staff
Janet Hurley, MD, MBA
Lisa Rogers, MD
Linden Bousaid, APNP
Patti Giebink, MD
Kate Plaut, RN
Anonymous Petitioner
Anonymous Petitioner
Charissa Wright, APRN
Teresa Mote, RNC, OGNP
Heidi Vicari, RN
Audrey Tool, MD
Paul LaRose, MD
Jason O’Grady, MD
Flora H, RN
Leslie Weeber, RN
William Kelley, MD
Jenny Cole, APRN
Jean Cole, MD
Mary Enderbury, RN
Edward Springel, MD
Andew Brayer, MD
Sarah Bland, RN
Cynthia Jones-Nosacek, MD
Anonymous Petitioner
Anonymous Petitioner
Mike Davidson, MD
Sara Shaffer, CNM
Robert Adams, MD
Melissa Fore, MD
Zachary Gastelum, MD
Sudheer Jayaprabhu, MD
Kathy Mercer, RN, CNM
Jennifer Patchett, MD
Anna Del Duca, RN
Alice Rainville, PhD
Morgan Turner, OMS II
Estelle Kratochwill, MD
Angela Jackson-Lopez, MD
Joseph Zanga, MD
Eric Hazelrigg, MD
Lorna Cvetkovich, MD, FACOC
Rebecca Hughes, RDMS
Janet Hurley, MD
Kristi Hamon, RN
James McBride, MD
Bradley Johnson, MD
Cortney Draper, MD
PJ Bolstridge, BA Psychology & Education ; MA
Elizabeth Labha, PA-C
Anonymous Petitioner
Deanne Wikler, RNC-OBe
Gary Jewell, MD
Linda Yeager, MD
Mary Jewell, MD
Caroline Hedges, MD MA MPH
Lindsay Erol, MD
David Netherton, MD
Christine Snyder, MD, FACOG
Christi Redmon, MD
James Davidson, MD
Mia Akins, .
Anne Striegel, CRNP
Kathleen Ranft, RN
Anonymous Petitioner
Brian Crisp, MD
Stephanie Huskins, NP, CNM
Gyle Borkowski, M.D.
Alison Smith, RN
Ronald Stoddard, MD
Jobie Nudo Nudo, Rn
Jim Donovan, MD
Marybeth Milton, Retired RN
Julian McLeod, PA-C
Karen Snell-Garus, MD
Daniel Joyce, M.D.
Gerarf Malnar, MD, MBA
Gerard J Malnar, MD, MBA
Alicia Thompson, PA-C
Richard Sandler, MD