On April 22, AAPLOG CEO Dr. Christina Francis delivered the keynote address at the California state March for Life. The March was hosted in Sacramento by the California Family Council and the March for Life Foundation and saw roughly a thousand pro-life advocates marching around the state Capitol. The March rally included several powerful speakers, such as leaders of California-based pregnancy resource centers and other pro-life organizations, and Athziri Perez, a local mother whose son was saved by abortion pill reversal. Athziri shared that the same day she began her abortion regimen (and immediately regretted her decision), she saw a newly-placed billboard advertising the Abortion Pill Reversal hotline, which allowed her to make the call that saved her son’s life. Dr. Francis’s keynote address, which can be viewed in its entirety on AAPLOG’s Instagram page, encouraged pro-life medical professionals and those who run pregnancy resource centers to continue to boldly be our patients’ last line of defense. Dr. Francis was proud to represent all of you at this year’s California March.
In addition to speaking at the rally, Dr. Francis was featured in a panel on April 21 at the California Family Council’s Defending Life Dinner alongside March for Life Vice President of Government Affairs Felicia Pricenor. Earlier that day, we had the honor of offering media training to several leaders and medical staff of local pregnancy resource centers, an event which was generously co-sponsored by the California Family Council. With the importance of pregnancy resource centers being a central theme at the March, we were so happy to offer support and training to the leaders of such crucial organizations, many of which are bastions of life-affirming care in their communities. We are committed to supporting their lifesaving work, which is under constant attack in states such as California.