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Over 60 Students to Attend MBEC on Scholarship

As of today, 62 of the registrants for the 2024 Matthew Bulfin Educational Conference (MBEC) are medical students and residents who are coming to the conference thanks to the Joe DeCook Scholarship Program, which covers all conference related expenses.  These scholarships are possible thanks to the generosity of our members and supporters.   

AAPLOG is dedicated to ensuring the future of life-affirming medicine by supporting medical students and residents to have the confidence they need to hold true to their oath to their patients.  We know that by coming to our conference, they gain this confidence.  In their application essay for this year’s scholarship, one said this: 

“As a new OBGYN resident, I have already faced the difficulty of navigating patients who wish to pursue termination of pregnancy. I was blessed to be able to attend the Matthew Bulfin Educational Conference last year and felt so empowered to network and connect with physicians who share the same goal as me, to care for both patients and offer life-affirming care. As I have crossed the threshold from medical student to resident, I am noticing even more how important connecting with others with the same mission is. I often reflect on the notes that I took last year as I prepare to speak to patients and even my coresidents, and medical students on our service about my Pro-Life stance. The knowledge I gained is invaluable, and I would be extremely grateful to be able to attend the conference again to build upon all that I learned last year at the conference and beyond.” 

-2024 Joe DeCook Scholarship Recipient

This scholarship program is just one of AAPLOG’s efforts to support the next generation of pro-life medical professionals at MBEC. In addition to the DeCook Scholarship, we are hosting a mixer on February 23, during which students can network with each other as well as physicians who can offer them guidance as they navigate the early years of their medical career. We will also be holding the Honeycutt Poster  Contest, during which students and residents can present their original research at a national conference – a crucial resume builder. 

We look forward to this year’s MBEC, which will be held February 23-25, in Frisco, Texas (with several preconference activities on Feb 22nd). The theme for this conference is Our Call to Courage: Restoring Dignity in Medicine.  The MBEC brings together pro-life physicians, midwives, medical students and residents, mental health professionals and other medical professionals, researchers and policy makers for educational seminars covering the most important and current topics related to life and family issues. Keynote speakers include Dr. Charles Camosy (Losing Our Dignity: How Secularized Medicine Have Undermined Human Equality) and Katy Faust, A Child-Centric Perspective on Reproductive Technologies.  We hope to see you all there! 

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