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AAPLOG Statement On The Necessity For Ultrasound Before Elective Procedures on the Pregnant Woman

For any proposed obstetrical/gynecological procedure on a pregnant woman it is essential to know the location of the pregnancy (intrauterine or extrauterine), the estimated gestational age and whether the embryo/fetus has cardiac activity or not, and to rule out uterine anomaly. Ultrasound can most accurately provide this information (1,2). Accurate information regarding these factors facilitates the obtainment of proper informed consent and allows for any necessary alteration to the proposed procedure for efficacy and patient safety. Therefore, the acceptable standard of care would be to obtain a sonogram evaluation of the pregnancy before performing a significant medical or surgical procedure on a pregnant woman. 1. American College of Radiology (ACR) practice guideline for the performance of obstetrical ultrasound. In: ACR practice guidelines and technical standards, 2007. Reston (VA): ACR;2007.p.1025-1033. 2 Mongelli M, Wilcox M, Gardosi J. Estimating the date of confinement: ultrasonographic biometry versus certain menstrual dates. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1996;174:278.