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A message from Steve Braatz, M.D.

My name is Steve Braatz. I’m a board certified ObGyn who just returned home from a very exciting trip to Washington D.C. with the AAPLOG Board and Charlotte Lozier Institute where we met with members of Congress and their staffers to discuss important pro-life and conscience issues. I was overwhelmed with the encouragement and cordial support we received, and with attentiveness with which congressional staff listened to our message. We met pro-life champions in Congress such as New Jersey’s Rep. Chris Smith, who spent a whole hour with our group! I also took time to get to know the AAPLOG Board. Having seen them at work, let me assure you that your AAPLOG Board and Executive Director are dedicated, and ALL about:

  • Protecting women.
  • Protecting every unborn child.
  • Protecting conscience and your ability to practice without fear of losing your credentials because you don’t do abortions.
  • Accurate data and research integrity.
  • Nondiscrimination among GME programs so that pro-life students may continue to enter our wonderful profession.
  • Providing you with the tools you need to maintain a pro-life practice.

I’ve served as a pro-life ObGyn for 34 years but for most of that time I’ve been kind of quiet about my views. It’s only in recent years that I’ve decided to get more involved in the struggle to protect life and conscience, and thereby get more involved with AAPLOG.  I’m so glad I made that decision. Here’s why:

  • It feels so good to be with friends and colleagues who believe in the dignity of all human life and the importance of protecting conscience.
  • It feels great to be in the battle and not on the sidelines.
  • It feels really wonderful to know that we have professionals of such integrity and commitment representing our profession for life.
  • It feels to me like God is looking upon us, smiling.

I’m joining this Board! I love this Team! I hope you will also appreciate the challenges and opportunities before us and lend your support as well. What can you do? Well, just paying your dues (many members don’t), sending an extra gift, attending and sponsoring a student at the Matthew Bulfin Conference; these are just a few ways you can make a big difference. Donna Harrison frequently mentions other opportunities in her Member Updates, such as giving expert testimony or writing letters to ACOG. YOU can make a big difference in determining what the climate of our practice will be like in just a few years!
Lastly, thank you to all who support AAPLOG and thank you for your commitment to life.


Steven Braatz, MD, FACOG, and Proud Member of The American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists.