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AAPLOG Comment on Fifth Circuit Ruling on State of Texas v Becerra

The Fifth Circuit ruling in Texas v. Becerra allows physicians to continue to provide life-affirming care to patients.

In an abuse of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), the Biden Administration previously attempted to force physicians to perform induced abortions in violation of their oath they took to never intentionally harm their patients. Induced abortion, the sole purpose of which is to end the life of our preborn patient, is not healthcare, and our members regularly treat serious pregnancy complications without it, which is entirely possible to do under existing Texas law. The Fifth Circuit’s decision to uphold the injunction against this overreach means that our members can continue to provide excellent medical care that respects the dignity of both pregnant women and their preborn children.  This includes being able to perform maternal-fetal separations when a woman’s life is endangered by a pregnancy complication – something that is already allowed by EMTALA as well as by every state law in the country.