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AAPLOG Statement Against Violence

This statement was originally released in 1994 after the murder of Dr. Gunn in Pensacola, Florida. It was re-affirmed in 1998 after the murder of Dr. Slepian in Buffalo, New York. The American Association of ProLife Obstetricians and Gynecologists again today re-affirms our stance against violence and the murder yesterday of Dr. George Tiller in Wichita, Kansas. AAPLOG strongly condemns the murder of Dr. Tiller. We believe in the sanctity of human life, and the Commandment “You shall not murder.” The murder of this man solves nothing in our attempt to produce a life-affirming society, and will undoubtedly be used by many to impugn the pro-life movement. We grieve for Dr. Tiller’s family, and pray for God’s comfort and peace for them at this terrible time. The American Association of Pro Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists strongly condemns the killing of abortion providers. In all three murders, the assailants, though labeled a “pro life activist”, acted in complete opposition to what the pro-life movement stands for. Every one of our members abhors violence. In no way can such homicidal acts be sanctioned or condoned. Violence against another human being solves no problem, but instead creates more problems. Violence begets violence. None of our Pro Life obstetricians and gynecologists condones violence or acts that lead to violence. We do not condone the harassment of women who are about to have abortions. Harassment can lead to confrontations and bodily harm. These actions should be deplored and condemned by all Pro Lifers, but especially by those with leadership roles in the pro-life movement. The American Association of Pro Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) was founded in 1973 for the purpose of changing the minds of our opponents through education, dialogue and legislation. As educated individuals, we know that these methods of persuasion are realistically the best viable option we have in our attempts to protect both the mother and her unborn and all human life. Let us utilize these methods with renewed determination and continue to convey to all that human life is a gift from God and must be respected.

AAPLOG Condemns Violence, Again

This statement was released to the press after the shooting of the physician in Buffalo, NY, in 1998. The American Association of Pro Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists strongly deplores and condemns the recent execution style killing of Dr. Barnett Slepian, an obstetrician and gynecologist who performed abortions. The assailant, whoever he was, sane or insane, acted in complete opposition to what the Pro Life movement stands for. Every act of anti-abortion terrorism deserves strong condemnation from all Pro Lifers, and especially from leaders in the Pro Life movement. Our organization of obstetricians and gynecologists was founded to promote the sanctity of all human life. Every one of our members abhors violence. We are saddened by Dr. Slepian’s death. We formed our organization for the purpose of attempting to change the minds of our colleagues who do not share our views. This is done through education, dialogue, and legislation. As educated individuals we know that these methods of persuasion are realistically the best of the viable options we have to protect all human life from violence. Let us utilize these rational methods with renewed determination and continue to convey to all who wish to hear us that human life is a gift from God that must be treasured and protected. For the Board of Directors and Members of AAPLOG Matthew J. Bulfin, M.D. Secretary Updated June 1, 2009 by aaplog