Give Your Patients a Second Chance at Life

The Abortion Pill Rescue Network needs pro-life medical professionals like you to provide urgent care to women who regret starting medication abortions. Abortion Pill Reversal uses Progesterone to reverse the effects of Mifepristone.

Hippocratic Medical Professionals know that providing lifesaving care to all our patients is our obligation and privilege. We invite you to learn more about Abortion Pill Reversal on this page. Please Contact Us with any questions, or Sign Up To Join today!

Abortion Pill Reversal is a method of attempting to block or reverse the effect of mifepristone on the developing fetus in order to save the life of the preborn child for women who regret their abortion decision. It is based on basic pharmacokinetic principles and the existing literature shows that it is safe and effective. Have a Question?

Any medical provider with prescriptive authority or a pregnancy care center with a medical director with prescriptive authority

  1. Have prescriptive authorities
  2. Be able to counsel patient about abortion pill reversal (information provided to you by APR network)
  3. Be able to either see the patient yourself, or arrange care with another medical provider, within 48-72 hours after beginning APR protocol for an office visit and ultrasound to determine fetal viability
  4. Be able to either provide ongoing prenatal care yourself or refer her to someone who can

You will be contacted by the APR network and further information will be provided

The APR network does not disclose the names or information of any of their providers, unless required by law. Your information will not even be given to the patient until you give it to her when you call her

This varies based on how common chemical abortions are in your area and how many providers are in your area. The APR network nationally averages 25-30 calls/day and will attempt to evenly distribute patient calls between all the providers in the same area

Besides your initial phone conversations with the patient, which will involve counseling and answering questions and typically takes only about 10 minutes, the care you provide will be very similar to early pregnancy care of any other patient. This will not add a significant amount to your work load and will be some of the most rewarding care you will provide. Additionally, for those women for whom APR does not work, it provides an invaluable opportunity for counseling to help her process the loss of her baby and make healthy choices in the future.

Patients who call the APR network are counseled by the hotline nurse that APR does not save the baby 100% of the time, but rather, based on the most current data, somewhere between 64-68% of the time. You will also discuss this with her on the phone. As long as you document that you have counseled her on this, as well as other risks/benefits, you should not be at an increased risk of medical liability.

This depends on her insurance, but many will cover the cost of oral progesterone. If they don’t, the patient can be provided with a discount code from websites such as GoodRX or if she is accessing APR through a PCC, many will cover the costs of the medication until she can get insurance coverage. The APR Network can help you with this as well.

There are a number of resources available for you:

  • When you sign up to be a provider, you will be given the latest protocols and their efficacy rates. The oral protocol has the highest rate of success according to current data
  • You will be provided with an email address you can email at any time with questions
  • AAPLOG has an excellent Practice Bulletin that outlines all of the available scientific evidence for APR.  It can be found here.
  • If any updates are made to the protocol, you will receive an email from the Network
  • There is a closed Facebook group available for all APR providers
  • Latest APR Treatment Protocols and Instructions

All APR providers are volunteers. However, this is medical care just like any other care you provide, and can be billed as such. Information regarding billing codes is available from the Network.

ACOG has chosen to ignore the wealth of evidence that shows that APR is an effective way of trying to give a preborn child a second chance at life and spare the mother the regret of an abortion. The abortion pill mifeprex is known to work by blocking progesterone receptors. The drug development literature also clearly shows that the blockade is reversible with natural progesterone. Natural progesterone has been used safely in pregnancy for over 50 years and is used routinely in the IVF industry. AAPLOG provides a second expert medical opinion that you can stand on to ensure your patients you are providing them with the best care available. Find out more by watching the video above this section. Also find out more about how ACOG is placing the interests of the abortion industry ahead of the medical care of our patients at

Feel free to contact AAPLOG at or the APR Network at if you have any questions.

Thank you for standing for life! The American Association of Pro-Life OBGYNS (AAPLOG) is the world’s leading association of pro-life obstetricians and gynecologists. We exist to encourage and equip medical practitioners to provide an evidence-based rationale for defending the lives of both the pregnant mother and her unborn child.