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Abortion Safer? Part 2

Dear ProLife Colleague: 2 letters in 2 days?? The subject matter demands it. The proponents of “abortion is the solution” speak again! According to this “original research” article (“The Comparative Safety of Legal Induced Abortion and Childbirth in the United States”, by Raymond and Grimes, i Feb, 2012 journal “Obstetrics & Gynecology) in a flagship journal of ACOG, “abortion is safer than childbirth.” Yesterday we gave you an access url to evidence-based material that refutes this age-old contention. Today, we refer you to another site that is loaded with important information. If you wish to have academic material to balance and correct the Raymond/Grimes article, become conversant with this material. The only way to confront error is with truth. Go to We urge you to read the several links in this article. You need to know what you are talking about! It would appear that the authors and peer reviewers of the new Raymond/Grimes article are not familiar with this material. Or perhaps they deem it not worth mention. We consider it extremely important, especially for pregnant women considering abortion. AAPLOG