History of AAPLOG

In the fall of 1972, Matthew J. Bulfin, M.D., of Lauderdale-By-The-Sea, FL., received two publications sent out by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) to all its members: “Behavior Aspects of Abortion”, extolling the concept of abortion on demand, and “The Management of Sexual Crises in the Female” advocating abortions for minors without parental consent. Thousands of obstetricians and gynecologists were disturbed by this drastic departure by the College from what had always been a joyous tradition: that of protecting and safeguarding both the mother and her unborn. The Supreme Court decision followed in January 1973. The College had laid the groundwork for abortion on demand.

The week after the Supreme Court decision, Dr. Bulfin made ten telephone calls to prominent obstetricians and gynecologists across the country to sound them out about the feasibility of a Pro Life group within the College. Nine of ten gave their enthusiastic support of the idea.

The late John G. Masterson, M.D., Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Stritch School of Medicine in Chicago and well-respected in academic ranks, gave Dr. Bulfin his valuable expertise in getting the organization underway.

Thirty one obstetricians and gynecologists attended the founding meetings in Bal Harbour, FL. on April 21, 1973. Dr. William Lynch, of Boston, then Secretary of the New England OB/Gyn Society, was extremely helpful in formulating the Constitution and Bylaws.

Since the initial meeting in Bal Harbour, AAPLOG has met yearly, and held the title of “special interest group” within ACOG for 40 years, from 1973 until 2013, until ACOG discontinued the designation of “special interest group”. Currently we sponsor an annual mid-winter continuing medical education meeting. We also host an educational booth at ACOG’s annual clinical meeting, APGO-CREOG’s annual meeting, and various other national medical meetings (ACOOG, CMDA, WIMD, CathMedAssn), and pregnancy resource center meetings (CareNet, Heartbeat, NIFLA, BFL). We continue to be a credible professional advocate for the life of the unborn child, for adequate informed consent for women seeking abortion, for honest evaluation of complications associated with abortion, and for the right of physicians to follow their conscience convictions regarding doing or referring for abortion.