Mission & Vision


The reason AAPLOG exists is to encourage and equip its members and other concerned medical practitioners to provide an evidence-based rationale for defending the lives of both the pregnant mother and her pre-born child.


We aim to make known the evidence-based effects of abortion on women as well as the scientific fact that human life begins at the moment of fertilization, with the goal that all women, regardless of race, creed or national origin, will be empowered to make healthy and life-affirming choices. AAPLOG’s organizational vision is to be the pre-eminent medical voice that informs the medical community, policy makers and the public on the importance of declining to use death as a therapeutic option, which respects the dignity of all human life and prohibits the taking of a life by a medical practitioner, including the lives of pre-born children.

Our Values Guide our Pursuit of Mission

  • AAPLOG medical practitioners share the view that human life begins at fertilization and that the lives of pre-born children should be protected
  • AAPLOG informs and enables the public to better understand the medical and biological fact that life begins at fertilization and that the willful destruction of innocent human lives has no place in the practice of medicine
  • AAPLOG values quality research into the effects of abortion on women and society as a whole
  • AAPLOG equips medical practitioners to successfully counsel their patients on the adverse effects of abortion on women, and to be able to offer them healthier and more life-affirming options
  • AAPLOG empowers and engages our members and other medical practitioners to practice medicine in the Hippocratic tradition and supports them in so doing. Practicing medicine in the Hippocratic tradition means we promote health and healing and never take the life of a patient