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Advice for Student (part 2)

Dear ProLife Colleague, The med student who asked for advice dealing with a Planned Parenthood assignment, or any abortion related assignment, really hit a nerve!! We asked for comments, and we got a boatload of really good comments. Can’t send them all at once (drinking from a firehose?), so will parcel the comments out over the next 5 or so letters. Have deleted names, but indicated male or female commenting, when we could tell. Pick the pearls! Male In my residency, I was required to provide post-care and complication care to women undergoing mid-trimester saline abortions, of which there were very many. Every night on call during my first two years I was called to assist at least 2 or 3 of these ladies that had made such a terrible choice. It was quite depressing. However, my refusal to learn technique or to perform the procedures was respected by all of my superiors, and there was no retaliation. In my opinion, the students must abide by their principles, which, as a ProLife Practitioner-to-be should be to not provide or assist in abortion procedures, and, if Catholic, to not do the same with contraceptive or most infertility procedures. Observation of a procedure that they are powerless to directly prevent (other than prayer) is another matter. It is important that the preceptor be provided feedback that some of their students do object, and why there are objections. It should be obligatory. That would be an opportunity to minister to that preceptor, and, if they are merely ignorant and not truly evil, they might potentially be open to a change of heart. Failing this, that care should be observed. If the student has the proper conviction, seeing these things will strengthen that conviction. Having direct observatory experience will allow them to speak with greater knowledge, confidence, authority and conviction against these practices.

That was great advice , especially the part about being prepared with facts. My advice for medical students: PRAY PRAY PRAY. Also remember that we are put in the body of Christ for a reason. Lean on others. Make sure your church is praying for you. Join the Christian Medical and Dental Association, or the Catholic Medical Association, and find a prolife attending who knows the area and what is available. None of us can win this battle alone.

Male As a medical student who just finished an OB rotation, here’s a few points from my perspective: 1) I felt led to attend a clinic session at PP. It originally wasn’t on my schedule and I had to ask for it to be added, but I wanted to know exactly what goes on there. As tough of an experience as it was to be there, I did it and I’m glad I now know first hand how PP operates. The staff was quite hospitable and was more than willing to let medical students observe counselling sessions, ultrasounds, “procedures”, etc. 2) PP offers many services, including prescribing birth control and a number of GYN procedures unrelated to abortion (i.e. PAPs, colpo, etc.) The student addressed in the email you sent could ask to see that portion of services — it’s much less objectionable. If his/her program director insists she be trained in / exposed to D&Cs or D&Es, there’s another option. With the GYN surg team at my hospital, I participated in a number of D&Cs for other indications — removal of a fetus after IUFD, for collection of tissue for evaluation of post-menopausal bleeding, to go after an IUD with a broken string. As sad as it was to watch the vacuum aspiration of an 18 w fetus that had passed away before the patient presented, the same life issues are not there. Perhaps participating in procedures like this could be an acceptable compromise. (even so, I made sure to find out the exact indication for the D&C before entering the OR). 3) I’d echo the sentiment for knowing the facts, for knowing your patients forwards and backwards, and maintaining a respectful demeanor at all times. With that, there is no justification for the repercussions against the student. 4) Remember that currently there is no legal requirement for the student to participate in procedures contrary to their conscience. I pray this may be of some help to other students out there facing these issues head-on.

My advice is have the student call 1-800-TELL-ADF (AAPLOG NOTE: This advice comes from Alliance Defense Fund, who will be glad to advise you and even defend you legally, if necessary.)