We represent approximately 30,000 physicians and other healthcare professionals who believe all pregnant women and their preborn babies deserve excellent healthcare. As such, we applaud Texas’s passion for protecting preborn children.
It is a scientific fact that a distinct, living and whole human being comes into existence at the moment of fertilization. Intentionally ending the life of any human being goes against the basic tenets of medical ethics that have steered the practice of medicine for millennia.
Abortion is not healthcare for the preborn child or her mother. In fact, more than 90% of practicing Obstetricians/Gynecologists do NOT perform abortions. The medical evidence very clearly shows that it causes an increased risk of preterm birth in future pregnancies, increased risk of breast cancer, higher risk of mental health disorders (including suicide) and a significant risk for maternal mortality.
Since it is an antiquated myth that an unplanned pregnancy ruins every chance a woman or her child has to succeed in life, we recommend supporting women throughout and after their unplanned pregnancies. Every human being has a fundamental right to life, regardless of the circumstances.
We encourage every medical professional who agrees to stand with us to protect life!
American College of Pediatricians
American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists Catholic Medical Association
Christian Medical & Dental Association
Coptic Medical Association of North America
The Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine (AHM) upholds and promotes the fundamental principles of Hippocratic medicine. These principles include protecting the vulnerable at the beginning and end of life, seeking the ultimate good for the patient with compassion and moral integrity, and providing healthcare with the highest standards of excellence based on medical science.