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Arizona and Alabama Action

Dear ProLife Colleague, It would be nice if children would be allowed to live, and the whole induced abortion would just go away. But it won’t. But we don’t have to do nothing. Here are people doing something. One step at a time. In Arizona: The Arizona state House today followed the state Senate in approving legislation to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy after it received strong support from pro-life organizations. House members passed the bill by a 37-22 vote and abortions after that time period would not be allowed except in very rare cases of medical emergency. The bill also requires abortion facilities to allow women to have an ultrasound of their unborn baby at least 24 hours prior to having the abortion. In many cases women change their minds about a planned abortion after seeing the images of their developing child. The governor is expected to sign the bill on Monday. Read the story at: In Alabama: (news release from Friday): Professional staff of the Bureau of Health Provider Standards, Alabama Department of Public Health, have performed a comprehensive investigation of New Woman All Women Health Care in Birmingham in response to a complaint received in January 2012. This investigation revealed significant failures in maintaining compliance with the Rules of the Alabama State Board of Health for the safe and effective provision of care. Based on these findings (which are available for public view on the department’s website in the How Do I section: Review Health Care Facility Deficiencies at, a license revocation hearing had been scheduled for April 19. However, a settlement has been reached that requires the current operator to relinquish the license on or before May 18, 2012. AAPLOG applauds these states for caring enough about women’s health to do something about it. (And we’re sure babies will appreciate not being killed.) We encourage other states to follow their example.