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Huge 2011 study: Abortion and mental health: quantitative synthesis and analysis of research published 1995-2009

This review by Dr. Priscilla K. Coleman (found in The British Journal of Psychiatry (2011)199, 180ā€“186. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.110.077230) offers the largest quantitative estimate of mental health risks associated with abortion available in the world literature. Calling into question the conclusions from traditional reviews, the results revealed a moderate to highly increased risk of mental health […]

Huge 2011 study: Abortion and mental health: quantitative synthesis and analysis of research published 1995-2009 Read More Ā»

Coleman Article

Dear ProLife Colleague: This is extremely important information. Perhaps the most devastating and far- reaching complication of induced abortion is what it does to the mental health status of the surviving victim (the pregnant woman). The abundant evidence-based literature has been systematically ignored or trivialized by the mainstream prochoice medical establishment.. Today in the British

Coleman Article

Dues Letter

Dear AAPLOG Colleague, This is our annual dues/gifts letter. Many of you will be getting it by snail mail this week also. Whether you are an ob/gyn, other specialty, other medical professional, interested lay person, or whatever, we are very grateful for your financial help in dues or gifts as we continue to promote the

Dues Letter

Planned Parenthood to End Abortions at 7 Arizona Sites

When or where have you ever seen a headline like that before?! To get the details, go to: We donā€™t expect Planned Parenthood to roll over and play dead. They will be back. They donā€™t quit. This is, after all, a life and death issue-for the baby always, for the mother sometimes-but always, for

Planned Parenthood to End Abortions at 7 Arizona Sites Read More Ā»

Kansas abortion clinic regs

Dear AAPLOG Colleague, We oppose abortion because it is the intentional killing of an innocent unborn child. Abortion is contrary to our Hippocratic Oath, and we feel it is contrary to sound moral principle, and for many of us, contrary to Godā€™s stated Law. However, our incercession in the case mentioned below has a different

Kansas abortion clinic regs

FDA publishes Mifeprex Adverse Events Report

FDA publishes Mifeprex Adverse Events Report The FDA recently released its second Mifeprex Adverse Events Report to the public. The report can be seen at: Download the pdf found at mid page under ā€œRelated Information.ā€ To further inform you, the AAPLOG article summarizing the 2004 FDA release can be found at As you

FDA publishes Mifeprex Adverse Events Report

Tele-Abortion Article

Dear ProLife Colleague, Here is the Abstract of the first glowing article to convince practitioners and the public that Telemed abortions are the answer weā€™re all been looking for. As you read the abstract, reflect on the fact that the urgent D&C rate is 8% at 7 wks, 16% at 8 wks, and 23% at

Tele-Abortion Article

Analysis of Severe Adverse Events Related to the Use of Mifepristone as an Abortifacient by Harrison and Gary

Mifeprex use is increasing, as are the adverse events reported. To see the 2011 FDA Adverse Events Report, go to Near the bottom of the page, in section “related Information,” click on Mifeprex Adverse Events Report to download the pdf. To give you some comparative context, the following link will bring you to the

Analysis of Severe Adverse Events Related to the Use of Mifepristone as an Abortifacient by Harrison and Gary Read More Ā»