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Not enough room for a pregnant uterus?? That’s what some said. See Missy and Ken’s story.

Missy Davert is 2 feet 11 inches tall. Her short stature is due to over 200 fractures she has sustained She has a brittle bone disease called osteogenesis imperfecta. She and her husband became pregnant, and when twins were found in her womb, the outlook for her pregnancy was grim. This was a high risk […]

Not enough room for a pregnant uterus?? That’s what some said. See Missy and Ken’s story. Read More »

Does your child have limb defects? Many will say this will be a great burden on all concerned. God doesn’t think that way. Here is some encouragement for you. Chet McDoniel was born in 1980 with no arms and very short, rudimentary, legs. At the time of birth, a doctor advised his parents that it might be better if he did not live. Chet’s dad, a pastor, and his mom would hear none of that, and brought him up as a gift from

Does your child have limb defects? Many will say this will be a great burden on all concerned. God doesn’t think that way. Here is some encouragement for you. Read More »


Dear ProLife Colleague, The solid foundation under the prolife movement, and under AAPLOG, is that each individual is of infinite and equal value in God’s sight. Human beings are not a disposable commodity because they are mentally or physically impaired, or they are inconvenient at this time, or because they are the wrong race, or

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Donna at UN

Sept 20, 2010 Dear AAPLOG Colleague, AAPLOG represents you at a number of venues: national medical meetings (ACOG ACM, international medical meetings (CMA Lourdes, ICMDA Uruguay), National Crisis Preg Center conferences, and last week at the UN, speaking on maternal mortality and it’s association with induced abortion. AAPLOG President, Donna Harrison, spoke Wednesday Sept 15

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AAPLOG President, Donna Harrison, spoke Wednesday Sept 15 at a member briefing of the United Nations on the subject of maternal mortality. Also presenting were Dr. Elard Koch, Dr. Obilumani Ideh, and Dr. Robert Walley. The topic was a rational approach to decreasing maternal mortality worldwide. Dr. Harrison spoke about the recent Lancet study by

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Patrick and Singer

Dear ProLife Colleague (Esp if you are anywhere near Detroit!) Two Wayne State pro-life organizations, the Christian Medical Association and Metanoia Graduate Christian Union, have invited in Drs. Peter Singer, atheist philosopher from Princeton, and John Patrick, Christian medical ethicist from Ottawa and very well known pro-life advocate (he’s helped lead the Hippocratic Registry for

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Advice from your peers regarding abortion related assignments

Dear ProLife Medical Student or Resident , This is a collection collection of unedited comments from your peers in answer to the question: “What do I do if my assignment includes time spent on an abortion service or Planned Parenthood clinic, or similar assignment?” AAPLOG points out that you do have conscience rights–(they come from

Advice from your peers regarding abortion related assignments Read More »

Advice for Student (part 4)

Dear ProLife Medical Student or Resident , This is the 4th letter we are sending with a collection of unedited comments from your peers in answer to the question: “What do I do if my assignment includes time spent on an abortion service or Planned Parenthood clinic, or similar assignment?” AAPLOG points out that you

Advice for Student (part 4) Read More »

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Files Suit Against Pro-Lifer

The following is a news release from Liberty Counsel: U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Files Suit Against Pro-Lifer Liberty Counsel has agreed to represent Mary Susan Pine, a sidewalk abortion counselor, who is being sued by the politically motivated U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder. Using the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) federal law

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Files Suit Against Pro-Lifer Read More »