Position and Papers
Position and Papers Read More »
The simplest way we have found to write a letter to your elected federal official(s) is to go to the following websites and follow the prompts: For Representatives and Senators: https://www.votervoice.net/FRCA/AddressThe simplest way we have found to write a letter to your elected federal official(s) is to go to the following websites and follow the
Contact Legislators Read More »
Becoming an AAPLOG member gives you many benefits, including the member updates, free advertising in our very popular “Find a Physician” directory, and more. Check out your registration options and join us! Register online! If you need any help at all with the process please send an email to info@aaplog.org or call (202) 230-0997 and
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The National Black ProLife Union, a group of Black religious leaders, held a press conference in Washington DC on August 18. AAPLOG was asked to participate. The AAPLOG written statement for the press conference follows: Caring for each patient, by first doing no harm, has been a core precept of the medical profession since the
President Paul Gray, M.D. Jackson, TN Executive Director Donna Harrison, M.D. Eau Claire, MI; Immediate Past President Allan Sawyer, M.D. Glendale, AZ; Secretary/Treasurer Julie Mickelson, M.D. Milwaukee, MI; ObG Resident Member Benjamin Beran, M.D. Milwaukee, WI; Family Medicine Member George Delgado, M.D. Escondido, CA; Family Medicine Member Deborah Travis Honeycutt, M.D. Fayetteville, GA; Byron Calhoun,
Dear ProLife Colleague: AAPLOG is a pro-life medical organizaton composed of doctors and other medical professionals of various faiths. As a service to medical pro-life organizations, we may use this letter to inform you of opportunities for service. Such an opportunity exists in northern India. See the following: Emmanuel Hospital Associaton is currently comprised of
January 7, 2010 Dear ProLife Colleague: FIRST, NOTE: LOCATION CHANGE AAPLOG JANUARY 15,16, 2010 CME MEETING WE MAXED OUT THE AUL MEETING ROOM, SO THE MEETING LOCATION WILL BE HELD 3 BLOCKS NORTH ON 15TH STREET, AT THE HUDSON INSTITUTE, 1015 15TH St. NW. Same time, same schedule. If you need a map, hit “REPLY” and type in
CME Meeting Location Change Read More »
Muddying the Water: The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), Health Care Reform and Abortion The NEJM in its 12-31-09 issue granted George J. Annas, JD, MPH a platform to defend the Senate version of health care reform as meeting President Obama’s promise that no federal funds would be used for abortion. Because passage of the bill
Muddying the Water Read More »