Dear ProLife Colleague, Medical people often are not activists. We are too busy already. And we don’t want to look “political.” But in the arena of abortion and conscience, we MUST be activists, or we will become extinct, and elective abortion will become standard of care medicine. We try to make activism as simple as possible for you. See below: The Burris amendment was added to the National Defense Authorization Act. This will permit the performance of abortions in both domestic and overseas military facilities. And, at taxpayer expense. Representatives Taylor and Akin are circulating a letter to House and Senate leadership urging them to reject this amendment. Has your congressperson co-signed this pro-life initiative? The following reps have already signed. If your’s is not on this list, please email them and urge them to sign the Taylor-Akin letter, and also to vote against this Burris amendment. Representatives who have aready signed include: Aderholt, Alexander, Bachmann, Bachus, Bartlett, Bishop, Boozman, Broun, Burton, Buyer, Calvert, Cao, Carney (PA), Carter, Chaffetz, Conaway, Critz (PA), Dahlkemper, Duncan, Emerson, Fleming, Forbes, Fortenberry, Foxx, Franks, Garrett, Gingrey, Graves (GA), Graves (MO), Griffith, Hall (TX), Harper, Herger, Hoekstra, Hunter, Inglis (SC), Jones (NC), Jordan, King (NY), King(IA), Kingston, Lamborn, Latta, Linder, Lipinski, Lungren, McIntyre, Manzullo, Marchant, Marshall (GA), McKeon, McMorris Rodgers, Gary Miller (CA), Neugebauer, Olson, Paul, Pence, Pitts, Platts, Price (GA), Roe, Rogers (AL), Ryan (WI), Ryan (OH), Sensenbrenner, Schmidt, Shimkus, Smith (NJ), Taylor (MS), Thompson (PA), Thornberry, Tiberi, Turner, Westmoreland, Wilson (SC), Wittman If your person is not on the list, please contact him/her. Here is a simple message (or make up your own): “I strongly request that you co-sign the Taylor-Akin letter to House and Senate leaders urging them to reject the Burris amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act. This amendment would permit the performance of elective abortions in both domestic and overseas military facilities. This amendment must be defeated. Your voters do not want government funded abortion.” Just copy and paste. Deadline for members to sign is June 30. The easiest way to contact your legislator is this: For Representatives, go to Follow the prompts. If you don’t know the last 4 numbers on our 10 digit zip code, look on your driver’s license. Paste (or write) your message. Submt. Done! For Senators, go to Follow prompts, paste letter submit. Done! Thanks for doing your part to oppose tax-funded elective abortion as the standard of care in the U.S. military. AAPLOG