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Patrick and Singer

Dear ProLife Colleague (Esp if you are anywhere near Detroit!) Two Wayne State pro-life organizations, the Christian Medical Association and Metanoia Graduate Christian Union, have invited in Drs. Peter Singer, atheist philosopher from Princeton, and John Patrick, Christian medical ethicist from Ottawa and very well known pro-life advocate (he’s helped lead the Hippocratic Registry for […]

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Advice from your peers regarding abortion related assignments

Dear ProLife Medical Student or Resident , This is a collection collection of unedited comments from your peers in answer to the question: “What do I do if my assignment includes time spent on an abortion service or Planned Parenthood clinic, or similar assignment?” AAPLOG points out that you do have conscience rights–(they come from

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Advice for Student (part 4)

Dear ProLife Medical Student or Resident , This is the 4th letter we are sending with a collection of unedited comments from your peers in answer to the question: “What do I do if my assignment includes time spent on an abortion service or Planned Parenthood clinic, or similar assignment?” AAPLOG points out that you

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U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Files Suit Against Pro-Lifer

The following is a news release from Liberty Counsel: U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Files Suit Against Pro-Lifer Liberty Counsel has agreed to represent Mary Susan Pine, a sidewalk abortion counselor, who is being sued by the politically motivated U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder. Using the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) federal law

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Files Suit Against Pro-Lifer Read More »

OSU MFM Professor Acknowledges Induced Abortion-Preterm Birth Associaton

Jay D. Iams, MD; Vincenzo Berghells, MD. Care for women with prior preterm birth. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. August 2010;203(3):89-100 This is an extremely informative article on preterm birth, an issue that complicates I in 8 pregnancies in the U.S.A. Because of associated morbidity and expense, preterm birth is of intense interest to

OSU MFM Professor Acknowledges Induced Abortion-Preterm Birth Associaton Read More »

Gerard Health Foundation Announces Second “Life Prizes” Awards

$600,000 in Prizes to be Awarded to Life Saving Heroes Natick, MA – Up to $600,000 will be awarded to individuals or organizations that have worked to save human lives and will be honored for their life saving principles and practices at an invitation-only ceremony in January hosted by the Gerard Health Foundation as part

Gerard Health Foundation Announces Second “Life Prizes” Awards Read More »

Dr. Iams

Dear Prolife Colleague, The August issue of AJOG has an extremely informative article on preterm birth, an issue that complicates I in 8 pregnancies in the U.S.A.  Because of associated morbidity and expense, preterm birth is of intense interest to the medical community.  The major author is Jay D. Iams,  MD, MFM, Professor and Vice

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Dues Letter (part 2)

Dear ProLife Colleague: This is an amended dues letter!!  We did not write down the dues amount in our last letter!!   No, we can’t believe it either.  (the amount is actually written on the on-line giving form, but that doesn’t excuse my omission!)  Anyway: Dues Schedule: Dues are voluntary.  We do not drop you for

Dues Letter (part 2) Read More »