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Advice for Student (part 3)

Dear ProLife Colleague: this is the 3rd letter of advice from your peers regarding students/residents and abortion related assignments. The comments are unedited. Female 1. They may have the students doing something entirely separate from the abortions. When I was a student we rotated through a county “family planning” clinic where abortions were done, but […]

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Advice for Student (part 2)

Dear ProLife Colleague, The med student who asked for advice dealing with a Planned Parenthood assignment, or any abortion related assignment, really hit a nerve!! We asked for comments, and we got a boatload of really good comments. Can’t send them all at once (drinking from a firehose?), so will parcel the comments out over

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Advice for Student

Dear Med Student or Resident: Maybe you can identify with the student writing the following letter: Dear AAPLOG, I started my Ob/Gyn rotation in medical school today. We were told by our preceptor that we have to work a day at a local Planned Parenthood during the rotation. Another student and I are going to

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Dues Letter

AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF OBSTETRICIANS & GYNECOLOGISTS AUGUST 2010 AAPLOG ANNUAL DUES/GIFTS LETTER (Very easy to pay on-line!) If you are an ObGyn AAPLOG Member,  we need your DUES to sustain the pro-life, pro-conscience vital work we are engaged in on your behalf, and on behalf of the unborn and the pregnant women who would be

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Chris Smith's Bill

Dear ProLife Colleague, As we and many others have pointed out, President Obama’s “executive order” prohibiting tax funded abortions is meaningless (see our letter of July 16). There will be tax funded abortions, lots of them, unless substantial counter-legislation is passed. Rep Chris Smith is introducing such legislation. You can help by contacting your congressman

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Kenya—You Can Help

Dear ProLife Colleague, We don’t usually send 2 letters in one day! This is time sensitive, and we just got it. You can help Kenya by signing the following petition. AAPLOG has signed, but we urge you to sign as individuals, and support Kenya. Simply read the petition, then send an email to Write

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(Español) ¿Cuál es la posición de AAPLOG Respecto al Tratamiento del Embarazo Ectópico?

El embarazo ectópico se refiere a cualquier embarazo que se implante fuera del útero, más comúnmente en el tubo de Falopio. Para el momento en que se haya descubierto un embarazo ectópico que (generalmente por la gestación es de 7 a 8 semanas) el embrión ha muerto en la mayoría de casos. Sin embargo, los

(Español) ¿Cuál es la posición de AAPLOG Respecto al Tratamiento del Embarazo Ectópico? Read More »

Elissa's Story

Dear ProLife Colleague, This is a personal story. I want to share it with you, because it puts our Sanctity of Human Life ethic in perspective. It certainly sharpened my perspective! It concerns Elissa, a girl I delivered in 1993. I had not seen her for 16 years, as they had moved away. I received

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