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Registration Success

Thank you for registering! We can only move forward as an organization because of your paid dues and your generous donations. Please considering giving now to AAPLOG by either updating your dues, or an additional donation. Practicing OB/GYN Member: $200 Retired OB/GYN Member: $100 All Others: At Your Discretion Pay My Dues Not right now?

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Abortion-Ghana, US Military

Dear ProLife Colleague: To keep you informed of the progress of the world-wide abortion agenda, here are 2 reports: This is from a missionary physician in Ghana: Let me tell you about the pro-abortion agenda as it is playing out in Ghana. We have “Comprehensive Abortion Care” that is being heavily funded by Pathfinders International.

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Lourdes Report

Dear ProLife Colleague, AAPLOG represents you in a number of important venues.  One is major medical meetings.  So far this year, we have (in addition to our January CME meeting) represented you with a booth at the APGO-CREOG National Meeting and at the ACOG ACM.  Additionally, we have had a booth at the Korean-American Missionary

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Perinatal Hospice

Family Birth Plan-Perinatal Hospice (sample) Plan Familiar de Nacimiento Comprehensive Care for the Family of the Fetus with a Lethal Condition Many birth defects are currently diagnosed in the antenatal period and birth defects now account for the majority of causes of death in the first year of life in the United States. Prenatal diagnostic

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Conscience Issue

Dear ProLife Colleague: Check out our ad on page 48 of the current ObGyn News, the paper sent to every OB doc in the country.  We do this ad yearly for the edition that is also given out at the ACOG’s ACM.   Bring it to a prolife colleague’s attention. Our new website is up,

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INDUCED ABORTION AND THE RISK OF SUBSEQUENT PREMATURE BIRTH: General comments reflecting the current literature

Preterm Birth has become a very significant and extremely expensive medical reality in the United States (and other countries as well). Premature birth (birth before 37 weeks) has increased 27% since 1981. In 2007 the premature (preterm, or PTB) rate in America was 12.6% of all live births (and over 17% of all African-American births).

INDUCED ABORTION AND THE RISK OF SUBSEQUENT PREMATURE BIRTH: General comments reflecting the current literature Read More »