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AAPLOG letter to U.S. State Dept regarding upcoming report to U.N. Human Rights Council, with special concern over 1) the Conscience Issue and 2) inclusion of abortion in the definition of Reproductive Heath.

When the United Nations Human Rights Council was created in 2006, it established a process to review countries’ human rights records. Each country that is a member of the Human Rights Council is expected to report every four years on what actions they have taken to improve their human rights conditions and fulfill their obligations […]

AAPLOG letter to U.S. State Dept regarding upcoming report to U.N. Human Rights Council, with special concern over 1) the Conscience Issue and 2) inclusion of abortion in the definition of Reproductive Heath. Read More »

Mexico City Law

Dear ProLife Colleague: Our NEW website is up!  Basically same material as before, in a modern format. Please inform us of errors you see, or needed tweeks.  We’ll keep improving the material! Remember ACOG Ethics Committee Opinion #385 (2007)?  The one that says we must all refer for abortions, and even suggests we locate

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Maternal Mortality

The Canadian Parliament is in an intense debate about allocation of resources to help alleviate maternal mortality in resource-poor areas of the world. The usual pro-abortion forces are demanding that the money be diverted to providing abortion services, despite the proven efficacy of adequate prenatal care, skilled birth attendants, adequate delivery facilities, antibiotics, and oxytocin,

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New Nebraska Law

Dear ProLife Colleague, One of our issues with the “prochoice” medical establishment is that informed consent, which might actually help the pregnant woman make an informed “choice,” is generally abysmal in abortion clinics.   The major long term complications, depression, substance abuse (to cover the emotional pain), Suicide (for pain that can’t be “covered”), increase

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Pregnancy Resource Centers

Pregnancy Resource Centers (Crisis Pregnancy Centers) have been called the kind, calm, nonjudgmental face of the pro-life movement. Free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, STI screening, abortion information, parenting classes, and material assistance are just some of the many services offered that empower women to choose life. These ministry centers offer hope to women facing unplanned pregnancies

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Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the website of the American Association of Pro Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (“AAPLOG”). You agree that by accessing or using the website you accept of the Terms of Use as it appears at the time of your access or use. AAPLOG may modify these terms and conditions at any time, and such modifications

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Hipporatic Registry

Dear AAPLOG colleague, The Obamacare bill passed, as you know.  Legal challenges will go on and on, as will legislative attempts to alter the law.  But what does this mean for the Pro-Life medical professional?  Clearly, since tax-funded abortions are NOT forbidden by the law (and such amendments were voted down), abortion will tax-funded, and

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