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Dear ProLife Colleague: We absolutely must keep up the pressure against the current healthcare bill, which allows for tax-funding of abortions (and no physician conscience protection). Call your congress persons to let your concerns be clearly known. This bill is NOT a done deal, and we need to keep being heard! Here are some talking
Dear AAPLOG Colleague, Here is some info we need to be conversant with. The United Nationsā Millennium Develop Goal #5 (MDG5) is to reduce worldwide maternal mortality by 75% by the year 2015āā a very laudable goal. (About half the deaths occur within 24 hours of delivery.) Cause of deaths: 24% from hemorrhage, 20% from
Dear ProLife Colleague: Our January International meeting made one thing very clear: There is an agenda in the worldās healthcare systema to mainstream abortion as a human right for all women of all countries. Those of us who do not do elective abortion and do not refer for elective abortion will be looked at as
Hippocratic Registry
This collection of articles, letters, and news releases will define AAPLOG’s positons and actions as the Mifeprex issue has evolved. Analysis of Severe Adverse Events Related to the Use of Mifepristone as an Abortifacient by Harrison and Gary Mifeprex use is increasing, as are the adverse events reported. To see the 2011 FDA Adverse Events
The simplest way we have found to write a letter to your elected federal official(s) is to go to the following websites and follow the prompts: For Representatives and Senators: https://www.votervoice.net/FRCA/AddressThe simplest way we have found to write a letter to your elected federal official(s) is to go to the following websites and follow the
Contact Legislators
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The National Black ProLife Union, a group of Black religious leaders, held a press conference in Washington DC on August 18. AAPLOG was asked to participate. The AAPLOG written statement for the press conference follows: Caring for each patient, by first doing no harm, has been a core precept of the medical profession since the