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Chris Smith's Bill

Dear ProLife Colleague, As we and many others have pointed out, President Obama’s “executive order” prohibiting tax funded abortions is meaningless (see our letter of July 16). There will be tax funded abortions, lots of them, unless substantial counter-legislation is passed. Rep Chris Smith is introducing such legislation. You can help by contacting your congressman with a very simple message: “Please Co-sponsor the Smith “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act.” You should get this out by July 28, sooner the better. But will this help?? For sure, doing nothing WON’t help. Doing something just MIGHT help. Elections are coming! Reps are sensitive to that. Easy to do. If you are too busy, you wife, husband, teenager, or secretary can do it for you. But we strongly urge you, BE HEARD! Thanks, from the unborn and pregnant would-be victims. The easiest way to contact your representative is this: Go to Follow the prompts. If you don’t know the last 4 numbers on your 10 digit zip code, look on your driver’s license. Paste (or write) your message. Submit. Done! Here is info on the Smith-sponsored Act: Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) will introduce the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act” on Thursday, July 29, 2010. This new legislation establishes a consistent government-wide prohibition on abortion funding. Under current law, funding for abortion and abortion coverage is prohibited through a patchwork of policies, most of which must be annually re-approved in Appropriations bills. The “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act” will reduce the need for numerous separate abortion funding policies and ensure that no program or agency is exempt from this important safeguard. Policies that would be made permanent under this legislation include: the Hyde amendment (related to programs funded through the HHS appropriations), the Helms amendment (concerning overseas programs), the Smith FEHBP amendment (concerning coverage for federal employees), the Dornan amendment (regarding DC funding) and other policies governing programs such as the Peace Corp and federal prisons. The bill also codifies the conscience clause known as Hyde-Weldon. AAPLOG