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CME Meeting Location Change

January 7, 2010 Dear ProLife Colleague: FIRST, NOTE: LOCATION CHANGE AAPLOG JANUARY 15,16, 2010 CME MEETING WE MAXED OUT THE AUL MEETING ROOM, SO THE MEETING LOCATION WILL BE HELD 3 BLOCKS NORTH ON 15TH STREET, AT THE HUDSON INSTITUTE, 1015 15TH St. NW. Same time, same schedule. If you need a map, hit “REPLY” and type in “map.” And see our website for other meeting details. Now: IS THE HEALTHCARE LEGISLATION A DONE DEAL?? CAN YOU AND I DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT?? Remember, it still contains tax funded abortions, and it does not contain any conscience protections. And the Secretary of HHS is mentioned about 2100 times, nearly once per page, giving the Secretary immense decision-making powers. (Remember who is currently holding that office?) Following are notes from AUL:

This (bill) will create the largest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade, and you will be forced to pay for it. After the first of the year, the Senate and House will have to go to conference committee and work out the differences between the two different bills each chamber has passed. Once a final version is produced, it must be passed again in both the House and Senate before it can go to the President’s desk for signature.

This from the ProLife Caucus: “As you know, H.R. 3590 authorizes government subsidies for insurance policies that cover abortion – a drastic break with long standing abortion funding policy.” So what can you and I still do at this late hour?? Plenty!! Call and write, call and write, call and write! Your elected official needs to hear from you NOW. It’s kind of NOW OR NEVER for this legislative bill. First, call your Senators, (202) 224-3121-the Capitol switchboard. Also call their state office (find it on google) Identify yourself as a physician, and tell them to oppose any bill that does not EXPLICITLY EXCLUDE TAX FUNDED ABORTIONS. And tell the Senator that medical professionals must have conscience protection. If you have other complaints, voice them as well. (you can’t do this is Communist China. You can still do it here. Please do it.) Second, go to this site sponsored by Americans United for Life: Fill in your personal information. The letter objecting to tax funded abortion is already written for you. There is a space for you to add other comments, or other objections you may have to this bill. AUL will automatically sign you name and address, and send this to the correct Senators. Click on “send message.” You are finished. Thank you. Jdc/aaplog 20100107 Member Letter – CME Meeting Location Change