Coalition of Doctors Launch Women’s Healthcare Declaration Urging Dignified Care for Mothers and For Accuracy about Pregnancy, Pregnancy Complications, and State Laws

Washington, DC – A coalition of doctors and medical organizations has signed and launched the Women’s Healthcare Declaration at to promote a program of dignified healthcare for women, especially surrounding pregnancy. The Declaration calls for accurate information about abortion to be given to patients as well as urging medical leaders, medical associations, and agencies to communicate accurately about pregnancy, pregnancy complications, and state laws.

The Declaration calls on state and federal policy makers and legislators, professional medical organizations, state health agencies, medical boards, hospitals and hospital systems, obstetricians, and the FDA to enact changes to restore the medical standard of care for women.

The launch is taking place at the National Press Club at 10 am ET today and will be livestreamed at

The Declaration is signed by the following twelve medical and health policy organizations: Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine (AHM), American Academy of Medical Ethics (AAME), American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), American Association of Pro-Life OBGYNs (AAPLOG).  American College of Family Medicine (ACFM), American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds), Catholic Health Care Leadership Alliance (CHCLA), Catholic Medical Association (CMA), Christ Medicus Foundation, Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA), Guiding Star Project, and North Carolina Physicians for Freedom (NCPFF).

Dr. Christina Francis, board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist, and CEO of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, said on behalf of her organization:

“The ultimate victims of the lies about abortion that are currently proliferating in the media are our patients. As physicians, we see a dire need to correct the record on induced abortion, abortion laws, and life-affirming care. This declaration offers the facts and clarity that the medical community and lawmakers need, and that our patients — pregnant and preborn — deserve.”

Dr. Robin Pierucci, board-certified neonatologist and Co-Chair of the Pro-Life Committee for the American College of Pediatricians, said on behalf of her organization:

“As physicians, providing consistently excellent medical care to all of our patients is our privilege.  This declaration presents concrete, specific ways to improve pregnant women’s health care and begins the complicated discussion regarding prenatal testing.  All of our patients’ lives are inherently valuable, which is why we promise to “do no harm”; this declaration provides a route to uphold our oath.”

Emergency room physician Dr. Cortney S. Draper said in a statement:

“As an Emergency Physician with over 10 years of experience, I have seen the harm to both physicians and patients that results from misinformation and confusion about abortion laws and life-affirming health care.  This declaration offers much-needed clarity on what it means to provide excellent care to pregnant women and their preborn children.”

Louis Brown, Executive Director of the Christ Medicus Foundation, and Founding Board Member and Vice President of Public Policy for the Catholic Health Care Leadership Alliance said on behalf of both organizations:

“Medical professionals and health care leaders nationwide are launching the Women’s Healthcare Declaration to tell the truth about dignified life-affirming medical care for pregnant mothers and preborn babies from a medical, bioethical, and legal perspective. Induced abortion, the intentional killing of a preborn child, is not health care and is never medically necessary. Tragically, legalized abortion in the United States is a racist policy that has allowed the killing of millions of African-American preborn children done serious harm to millions of African-American mothers, and seriously hurt the African-American community. Abortion has also had a damaging impact on other communities of color and on our entire nation.  Pro-life state laws seek to increase protections for the life and health of both pregnant mothers and preborn babies. The abortion industry and pro-abortion elected officials are engaged in egregious misrepresentation, deception, and lying about pro-life state abortion laws. It is actually chemical abortion drugs and surgical abortion procedures that threaten the life and health of pregnant mothers in America. This Declaration shines the light of truth on one of the most urgent issues of our time.”

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About the Women’s Healthcare Declaration

The Women’s Healthcare Declaration brings together a coalition of doctors, medical professionals, and healthcare policy leaders urging for a restoration of healthcare for women, especially surrounding pregnancy and complications.  For more information, please visit