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Dues Letter (part 2)

Dear ProLife Colleague: This is an amended dues letter!!  We did not write down the dues amount in our last letter!!   No, we can’t believe it either.  (the amount is actually written on the on-line giving form, but that doesn’t excuse my omission!)  Anyway: Dues Schedule: Dues are voluntary.  We do not drop you for not paying dues! But  we need your DUES to sustain the pro-life, pro-conscience vital work we are engaged in on your behalf, and on behalf of the unborn and the pregnant women who would be victimized. SCHEDULE: ObGyn doctors:  $200/yr.  If you are retired, and you are not comfortable with that amount, give us what you feel led to give.  Thank you!  And we will gladly receive any extra gift from anyone may wish to give.  We will make good use of it.  And be accountable. Students, Residents, no dues.  Again, we are glad for any gift. If you are a doctor of any other specialty, or a nurse, or any medical professional, we consider you an Associate Member.  We need your GIFT of support. If you are from outside the USA,  dues are not required.  We welcome you as a member or an associate member.  We are glad you are part of AAPLOG, and we are happy for any gift you may wish  to give to our work. If you are a prolife person of any other description, we consider you a friend of Life, and we need your gift of support as well. IF POSSIBLE, PLEASE USE THE ON-LINE DUES OR DONATIONS BUTTON ON OUR WEBSITE. This is a highly secure system that does NOT store your credit card number.    And, this is a great assist to our data entry,   Please try it!  If you are too busy, your secretary or spouse can do this for you.  No personal signature required. TO PAY DUES OR GIVE GIFTS ON-LINE USING YOUR CREDIT CARD: Go to Click on DUES, or  click on GIFTS This is a secure page.  Fill in the information.  Click on Submit The page that comes up is your  tax-exempt receipt if you wish to print it out.  Also, in10 seconds, your e-mail will receive a tax-exempt receipt. TO PAY DUES OR GIFTS BY CHECK:  make check payable to AAPLOG, and mail to AAPLOG, 339 River Ave, Holland, MI 49423.  Receipt will be mailed. TO PAY DUES BY CREDIT CARD SNAIL MAIL:  Print this letter out,  enter the information below, and mail this back to AAPLOG, 339 River Ave, Holland, MI 49423. Please write very carefully: Card Type: circle one             Visa                Mastercard Card #________________________________________________________ Expiration date___________ Billing zip code________________         3 Digit Security code________________ Signature on card________________________________________ Your email address (if you have one)______________________________________________________ Billing Information Address________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________State____Zip_____________ Again, we’re sorry for this second letter, but obviously it was necessary! Thank you for supporting this vital work! Jdc/aaplog AAPLOG MISSION STATEMENT As members of AAPLOG we affirm: That we, as physicians, are responsible for the care and well being of both our pregnant woman patient and her unborn child. That the unborn child is a human being from the time of fertilization. That elective disruption/abortion of human life at any time from fertilization onward constitutes the willful destruction of an innocent human being, and that this procedure will have no place in our practice of the healing arts. That we are committed to educate abortion-vulnerable patients, the general public, pregnancy center counselors, and our medical colleagues regarding the medical and psychological complications associated with induced abortion, as evidenced in the scientific literature. That we are deeply concerned about the profound, adverse effects that elective abortion imposes, not just on the women, but also on the entire involved family, and on our society at large.