Dr. Catherine Wheeler shares how she became a pro-life advocate as a former abortionist, and shares insights on how pro-life medical professionals can stand up for their beliefs at work and in the public square.
Dr. Wheeler is an Ob/Gyn physician who practiced in Salt Lake City, Utah for 24 years, before moving to Colorado. In Utah, she was an originating shareholder of a private Ob/Gyn practice. Later in her career, she developed midlife women’s health clinic and educational programs at the University of Utah. She then developed a gynecology clinic with HCA St. Mark’s Hospital. Earlier in her career, Dr. Wheeler performed induced abortions, but has since stopped this practice on moral grounds. Today, she is a frequent speaker for life and regarding the reality of abortion, provides testimony at the Colorado legislature, provides informational opinion pieces and interviews for media, and serves with prolife organizations to educate, to advance the defense of preborn human life, and to advocate for and provide support for women and families.