Caring for Both: A Curbside Consult Series

Researcher Gives Update on Latest APR Study

Guest: Stephen Sammut, PhD
Episode: 6
26 Mins

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Dr. Stephen Sammut offers an explanation of his latest study on reversing the abortive effects of mifepristone with natural progesterone in a rat model.

Dr. Sammut is currently a Full Professor of Psychology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, OH, where he teaches and is also actively involved in research. His research interests lie in the utilization of behavioral models and combined experimental techniques to investigate the interaction between the endocrine, immune and nervous systems and their role in CNS development, functioning and psychopathology. At this time, one of his primary areas of research is seeking to establish a pre-clinical model addressing reversal of the abortive effects of mifepristone with natural progesterone. In July 2023, Dr. Sammut published a study exploring progesterone-mediated reversal of mifepristone-induced pregnancy termination in a rat model in Scientific Reports, a peer-reviewed open-access journal published by Nature Portfolio.

Want to support APR research? Dr. Sammut’s research is funded solely by supporters like you. To help him continue the research that he discusses in this episode, go to Dr. Sammut uses these funds to purchase and maintain equipment, such as an ultrasound machine, which he currently urgently needs due to the breakdown of his previous machine.


Read the study here:

Paper summary on abortion pill reversal:

Dr. Sammut's website:

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