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Is Abortion Safer?

July 29, 2013 Dear ProLife Colleague, The prominent “Original Research” article “The Comparative Safety of Legal Induced Abortion and Childbirth in the United States”, by Raymond and Grimes in the Feb, 2012, journal “Obstetrics & Gynecology,” rehearses the longstanding mantra of the choice argument: “Abortion is safer than Childbirth.” To reach this conclusion, Raymond and Grimes employ statistical methodologies seen before, using inadequate or incomplete data, ignoring some important literature, and drawing general conclusions using limited and, we feel, inaccurate “facts.” AAPLOG finds this article to be a very serious distortion of reality as we understand the reality. AAPLOG has previously offered an evaluations of this “Original Research,” found at these locations: A new critique of the old mantra is found in the Linacre Quarterly of 17 July 2013. This is written by AAPLOG member Dr. Byron Calhoun. It is a systematic review entitled “The maternal mortality myth in the context of legalized abortion.” This article is on our website at Click on headline ABORTION IS NOT SAFER THAN CHILDBIRTH to get to the pdf page. You will get the old mantra thrown in your face in any serious discussion by a pro-choice advocate. You will make short work of their arguments if you become familiar with the several references in the above material. ABORTION IS NOT SAFER THAN CHILDBIRTH!! We urge you to become conversant with this material. (You WILL be challenged on this by the other side.)