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Kenya—You Can Help

Dear ProLife Colleague, We don’t usually send 2 letters in one day! This is time sensitive, and we just got it. You can help Kenya by signing the following petition. AAPLOG has signed, but we urge you to sign as individuals, and support Kenya. Simply read the petition, then send an email to Write “I support the WCF Petition opposing the pro-abortion Kenyan constitution which will be voted on Aug 4, 2010. Type your name. done. This must be done by 5pm est this coming Monday. We urge you to do it now.



Whereas citizens of Kenya will be voting on a new constitution in an August 4 referendum Whereas said Constitution includes language which overturns present Kenyan law prohibiting abortion except to save the mother’s life Whereas Section 26 of the Constitution allows abortion when, in the “opinion of a trained health professional there is need for emergency treatment, or the life or health of the mother is in danger, or if permitted by any other written law” Whereas the Kenyan Constitution fails to define “health” and keeping in mind the World Health Organization (WHO) definition: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Whereas any health professional, including nurses and midwives, can decide if a woman’s health is at risk Whereas Western style language legalizing abortion was inserted into the Kenyan constitution by nine voting members of the Committee of Experts, which included three non-Kenyans, and was rejected by Kenyan Parliamentarians in the draft process Whereas numerous UN entities have pressured Kenya to legalize abortion and section 59 of the constitution establishes the independent Kenya National Human Rights & Equality Commission to “act as the principal organ of the State in ensuring compliance with obligations under treaties and conventions relating to human rights” Whereas abortion does more to jeopardize a mother’s health (including making her more susceptible to breast cancer) than does carrying a child to term Whereas that the real threat to maternal health in Kenya comes from unassisted childbirth and lack of access to emergency obstetric care, Whereas abortion can result in blood loss and infection and inflict harm to women physically, emotionally and psychologically Whereas Ireland has a strict life of the mother exception for abortion and has the world’s lowest maternal mortality rate Whereas traditional Kenyan values recognize the dignity of all members of the family, including the unborn child, and polls have demonstrated that a majority of Kenyans oppose legalizing abortion Whereas mothers in Kenya deserve support and assistance during pregnancy and childbirth Therefore, the undersigned pro-family and pro-life leaders urge Kenyans to consider the consequences of enacting a constitution which would, in reality, allow unlimited access to abortion and result in the destruction of countless unborn children and injury to women We declare our solidarity with those Kenyans who are standing up for the most vulnerable among us – the unborn child and his or her mother – and support the “No” campaign.