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Letter from Doctor

Dear ProLife Colleagues: Last week we referenced a 4 min video –here it is again: It is a message to the world from Down Syndrome children and their parents. We received the following letter from a doctor: “Thank you………as a guy who killed these innocents, children of God all, it brought tears to my eyes……now over 10 years repented, injured and retired, not actively practicing OB/GYN mostly out of concern to avoid the evil seemingly inherent in it, ……..WOE unto those who fail to know the words of scripture……God will not be mocked…. Thank you, God Bless, Ad Majroem Dei Gloriam” We share this letter to illustrate that change is possible, repentance sets a person free to be restored out of the culture of Death, into the culture of Life. Reminds one of the old hymn Amazing Grace: “I once… was blind, but now I see.” Don’t stop praying for your doctor. You may be the only one doing it. Jdc/aaplog