5-8-13 Dear ProLife Colleage, Item1: the Gosnell jury has not brought a decision as of today. Pray that justice will be done. Item 2: The FDA confirmed that EC (Plan B One Step) will be front of the shelf OTC for girls 15 years old and up. The government has appealed the NY Judges “scientific” ruling that there should be no lower age limit. (Remember, Federal Judge Edward Korman said the age limit ruling was unscientific. In so saying, he has been careful not to disclose what his own scientific background is. Would you like to hazard a guess?) How vigorously the government will appeal this remains to be seen. Item 3: Service announcement: Cedarville University, a prominent Christian Institution near Dayton, Ohio, is launching a Bioethics certificate program. Access information at; http://www.cedarville.edu/Center-for-Bioethics.aspx http://www.cedarville.edu/centerforbioethics/ Item 4: INTERVIEW WITH A MIFEPEREX USER— Isis, a 22-year-old college student –Ths is extremely instructional– YOU ARE THERE!! Various reasons are given bh ‘counselors” encouraging the use of the abortion pill Mifeprex. Among them: avoid surgery, avoid anesthesia, do this is the comfort and privacy of your own home, at a time convenient to you. But wait, why not get the real scoop from a woman who has done it!! Here is a fresh interview from such a person. (The interviewer is Monty Patterson, who, about 10 years ago, lost a lovely daughter to sepsis related to a Mifeprex “medical abortion.” ) Access the interview at: Blog at http://abortionpillrisks.org/2013/04/isis-story-the-scariest-moment-of-my-life-with-ru-486-2/ The story is also found at http://abortionpillrisks.org/real-stories/isis-story/. Monty Patterson also has developed a website regarding the dangers of Mifeprex, at: http://abortionpillrisks.org/ This site is not intended to be a prolife site, but rather an accurate assesment of the danges of Mifeprex. Jdc/ AAPLOG