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MWIA Cancellation

Aug 1, 1013 Dear ProLife Colleague, The triennial meeting of the MWIA,, Medical Women’s International Association, an organization started in 1919, is being held this week in Seoul, Korea. Three AAPLOG women were scheduled to speak on Aug 1. (Drs Donna Harrison, Mary Davenport, both ObGyns, and Dr. Martha Shuping, a psychiatrist aaplog member). All three flew to Seoul for the meeting. At literally the last moment, they were informed their sessions would be cancelled. Period. The press release by MWIA explaining this follows. Read it carefully. PRESS RELEASE AUGUST 1, 2013 MWIA is proud to stand for women’s rights. MWIA is proud to stand for women’s rights. MWIA strongly regrets the politicalization of women’s reproductive health by listed speakers at our 29th International Congress of MWIA who would deny women their basic right to choice. Professor Afua Hesse, President of MWIA states “that as President I have intervened to ensure that there will not be such presentations that have no scientific merit and threaten women’s reproductive rights and therefore do not belong at our triennial meeting.” MWIA has been in existence since 1919 and is the first international medical association to support at every level from the beside to the policy making the right of a woman to have control over her health and reproductive rights. The evidence is overwhelming and undisputable that a woman’s control over her reproductive health is linked to not only the health of women and children but also the health and wealth of nations. AAPLOG takes strong issue with MWIA on several points of their statement. 1. “Politicalization”– You can access the 3 presentations from the home page of our website and determine for yourself if these presentations are political or scientific. 2. “presentations that have no scientific merit”– same comment, look at the presentations (one is up now, others will be up shortly) 3. Threaten women’s reproductive rights” –same comment-read the presentations. 4. The “evidence is overwhelming……..” statement is so over- the-top it hardly needs a comment, whether we look at subsequent preterm birth rates, mental health complications, suicide, or breast cancer risk, the heath of women is NOT improved by abortion. And the health of children? There is overwhelming and indisputable evidence that about 100% of the involved babies die. And the wealth of nations? Does decimating the number of future workers and tax payers help the wealth of a nation? In Russia, Italy, and some other countries they are now PAYING women to have babies! AAPLOG finds the WMIA press release to be absurd. More on this in subsequent letters.