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Pennsylvania, Kenya, US Military

Dear ProLife Colleague, So what do Pennsylvania, Kenya, and all US military bases have in common? Hint: think “abortion access.” Read on: From FRC: We hate to say, “I told you so,” but after yesterday’s abortion bombshell, the jig is up for President Obama’s pro-life charade. Yesterday, the sirens went off at the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) when it discovered that the Obama administration has given its approval to a $160 million Pennsylvania program that will directly fund abortions under the new health care law. Using what’s called “high-risk insurance pools,” the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) opened its wallet to any abortion procedure that’s legal in Pennsylvania. AAPLOG wonders what Bart Stupak and his group are thinking. Does the word “betrayed” fit here? Or maybe “gullible”? You think of a word! The Washington Post called the President’s famous antiabortion Executive Order, crafted for Stupak’s group, “Fool’s Gold.” Unconscionable, yes–but not unexpected. “The ObamaCare law is full of faucets that can be opened to provide abortion subsidies,” said Douglas Johnson of NRLC. “Regrettably, this is just the first.” From Kenya: You may be interested in this press release by Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) regarding U.S. funding for the campaign to get Kenyan voters to approve a new pro-abortion constitution. As outlined in the release, organizations have received grants to explicitly generate “yes” votes for the proposed constitution. This information is particularly important because such funding may constitute a violation of federal law. The annual State, Foreign Operations Appropriations Act stipulates that no funds appropriated under that Act may be used to lobby for or against abortion. By supporting the proposed constitution, the administration appears to be supporting an outcome that will change abortion policy in Kenya. Current Kenyan law only allows abortion to save the life of the mother. In contrast, the proposed constitution changes that policy by stating a right to life at conception, but then carving out a health exception and explicitly allowing abortion if permitted by any other law. The proposed constitution also introduces a right to reproductive health care, which according to Secretary of State Clinton includes abortion. AAPLOG comment: Your tax dollars at work. For additional detailed information about this issue, please see this May 26, 2010 press release by Rep. Smith. US Military Today, Rep. Gene Taylor (D-MS) and Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) along with 178 of their pro-life colleagues, sent a letter to Senate and House leadership. The letter urges House and Senate leadership to reject an amendment to the FY2011 National Defense Authorization Act offered by Senator Roland Burris (D-IL) to strike Section 1093(b) of Title 10 of the US Code. The amendment, which passed by a vote of 15-12, will permit the performance of abortions in both domestic and overseas military facilities. Current law prohibits the performance of abortion by Department of Defense medical personnel or in Department of Defense medical facilities except when the life of the mother is at risk or when the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest. You can find the statement released by Rep. Taylor and Rep. Akin here. AAPLOG comment: The President’s abortion agenda is on schedule.