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Induced Abortion and Maternal Mortality

Induced abortion and natural cause maternal death

THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PROLIFE OBSTETRICIANS AND GYNECOLOGISTS ABORTION AND NATURAL CAUSE MORTALITY This discussion of “Abortion Complications” will deal with “natural cause” mortality, which includes mainly death from cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, and HIV aids. “Natural cause mortality” is to be distinguished from other mortality “complications” noted on this website section, namely suicide,

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Induced abortion and maternal homicide

THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PROLIFE OBSTETRICIANS AND GYNECOLOGISTS ABORTION AND HOMICIDE The 2004 study by Gissler (Gissler, M,, (1997) “Pregnancy associated deaths in Finland 1987-1994, Acta Obsetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 76:651-657) indicates that the pregnancy associated homicide rate for women having an induced abortion is significantly higher than for women who deliver their pregnancy. Pregnancy-associated

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Introduction to induced abortion and maternal mortality

THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PROLIFE OBSTETRICIANS AND GYNECOLOGISTS ABORTION ASSOCIATED MATERNAL DEATH Worldwide, maternal mortality is an extremely urgent concern to the health systems and governments of most, if not all, countries. It is universally tragic to all involved to separate a mother from her baby and her family by unexpected death. Most countries,

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Induced abortion and maternal suicide

THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PROLIFE OBSTETRICIANS AND GYNECOLOGISTS ABORTION AND SUICIDE SUICIDE ATTEMPTS ASSOCIATED WITH INDUCED ABORTION References: Garfinkle, B., et. al., “Stress, Depression, and Suicide: A study of Adolescents in Minnesota” (Minneapolis: Univ Minnesota Extension Service, 1986): Teens are generally at a higher risk for both suicide and abortion. In a survey

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