Statement on death of Candi Miller following a chemical abortion

To be attributed to Dr. Susan Bane, MD, PhD, Board-Certified OB-GYN and Board Vice Chair at the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists

According to reports, Candi Miller died because she believed misinformation about abortion drugs and laws — false narratives that are enthusiastically promoted by mainstream media and abortion advocates, and that scared her out of seeking the care she desperately needed. One such narrative is that the Georgia law would not have allowed physicians to help her should her pregnancy have become life-threatening. This is not true; Georgia law allows intervention to prevent death or “irreversible impairment of a major bodily function”, and the chronic medical conditions Candi had could qualify. Another narrative is that abortion drugs are safe to order online and take without medical supervision. The FDA recklessly allowed these drugs to be taken under these conditions, cheered on by abortion advocates who claim they are “safer than Tylenol.” A third is that Candi would have been prosecuted for seeking help during her abortion. In fact, no state abortion law prosecutes women.

We are now seeing the results of these harmful lies. Women like Candi are wrongly believing not only that they have to undergo this process alone, but also that it is safe for them to do so. Our patients deserve accurate reporting on abortion drugs and pro-life laws. Their lives depend on it.