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AAPLOG and ACPeds Host 2024 MBEC in Texas

We just returned from our best national conference yet in Frisco, Texas and we are excited to share some highlights with you!  Thanks to those of you who joined us and please watch for a feedback survey coming soon. 

We tied our highest registration number ever, at more than 300, and also had the most exhibitors of any conference thus far – 35!  Without our sponsors and exhibitors, we would not have been able to put on the conference and we are so thankful to them!  Additionally, we were proud to welcome 60 students and residents who were able to come thanks to the Joe DeCook scholarship program – funded by our generous members and donors. As part of our commitment to supporting the next generation of pro-life medical professionals, we organized special programming for the DeCook scholars and other student attendees, including 

  • A students-only Q&A session on pro-life apologetics with renowned apologist Scott Klusendorf and AAPLOG member Dr. Calum Miller; 
  • A special reception with keynote speaker Dr. Kristin Collier on the first day of the conference and a debriefing session on the last day with AAPLOG leadership; and 
  • The Honeycutt Poster Contest, through which students had the opportunity to display and present their original research. Congratulations to this year’s Honeycutt Award winner, Brian Girard, who presented his study titled “Development of Mouse Embryos in Nicotine-Containing and Nicotine-Free E-Cigarette Vapor Condensate Cultured for Four Days.” 

Student Panel MBEC
Above: (From left) Dr. Christina Francis moderates Saturday evening panel with medical students Clark Mantooth and Mariah Shafer, and OB-GYN resident and AAPLOG board member Dr. Lauren Servino 
Above: LUCOM student Brian Girard (center) accepts this year’s Honeycutt Award next to Dr. Susan Bane (left) and Dr. Deborah Honeycutt (right)

We also welcomed two outstanding keynote speakers, pictured below. 

Charles Camosy, PhD
Above: Charles Camosy, PhD, Professor of Medical Humanities at the Creighton University School of Medicine who presented the first-ever Dr. Donna Harrison Keynote Address, “Losing Our Dignity: How Secularized Medicine is Undermining Human Equality” 
Katy Faust
Above: children’s rights advocate Katy Faust, founder of the organization Them Before Us, gives her keynote address titled “A Child-Centric Perspective on Reproductive Technologies.” 

If you’d like to access the recordings and slides of these talks for CME credit, register here. They will be available within the month.   

Student Reception
Above: MBEC student attendees network with attending physicians at the student and resident reception on Friday night. 

Thank you to all who attended this year and helped make it our best conference to date! Save the date for next year’s MBEC, which will be held February 28-March 2 in Orlando, Florida – we promise you will not want to miss it! 

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