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AAPLOG Leaders Meet with 10 Congressional offices 

During the week of the March for Life, AAPLOG & AAPLOG Action leaders met with 10 Congressional offices in Washington DC to discuss how best to protect and support the interests of medical professionals and our pregnant and preborn patients through federal policy. 

Through these Hill meetings, we are building relationships with national legislators and helping to shape the policy landscape to advance life-affirming medicine to better support you, our members, and our patients. 

U.S. Senator Ted Budd (R-NC) 

Above: AAPLOG & AAPLOG Action CEO Dr. Christina Francis (left) and AAPLOG Action Chairwoman Dr. Susan Bane (right) with Senator Ted Budd of North Carolina. Dr. Francis and Dr. Bane spoke with Senator Budd about protecting the conscience rights of medical professionals and students. 

U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) 

Above: Dr. Susan Bane (left) and AAPLOG Director of Advocacy and Policy Rebecca Weaver (right) with U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (center). Dr. Hyde-Smith is the Chair of the Senate Pro-Life Caucus. 

Congressional Family Caucus 

Above: Dr. Christina Francis shares a podium with key allies, including Melissa Ohden of the Abortion Survivors Network and Rep. Mary Miller (IL), speaking about protecting babies born alive during failed abortions at a Hill briefing hosted by the Congressional Family Caucus. 

Our leaders also met with the House Values Action Team, the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Republican members, U.S. Representatives Dr. John Joyce (PA-13), and August Pfluger (TX-11), and more to discuss how AAPLOG and AAPLOG Action can be a resource to them as they serve Americans. 

To stay up-to-date about our advocacy efforts and policy priorities, go to and join our 501(c)4 advocacy arm’s email list.

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