On April 26, AAPLOG members Dr. Ingrid Skop and Dr. Monique Chireau Wubbenhorst testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary in a hearing titled “The Assault on Reproductive Rights in a Post-Dobbs America”. They acted as the minority witnesses alongside 3 other witnesses speaking for the pro-abortion side: Michele Goodwin, a Visiting Professor of Law at Harvard Law School; Dr. Nisha Verma, a fellow of Physicians for Reproductive Health; and Amanda Zurawksi, the lead plaintiff in a lawsuit against the state of Texas alleging that a lack of clear guidance on how physicians can follow the state law leads to patients receiving suboptimal care. (AAPLOG’s response to this lawsuit can be found here.) Dr’s Skop and Wubbenhorst each offered a 5-minute opening statement and answered questions from the Senators. Their opening statements can be watched in this recording of the hearing; Dr. Skop’s testimony starts at 43:04, and Dr. Wubbenhorst’s starts at 54:01. Dr. Skop’s written testimony can be found here; and Dr. Wubbenhorst’s is linked here.
We commend Dr’s Skop and Wubbenhorst for their thorough, evidence-driven, powerful testimonies, and for her thoughtful responses to the questions they were asked. Their testimony was a salient example of the kind of advocacy that’s desperately needed in this new era, and the expertise that pro-life medical professionals can offer. We also encourage other AAPLOG members to look for opportunities to offer your perspective before your state’s legislature. If you would like to make your voice heard regarding advancing life-affirming healthcare in a post-Roe world, but feel inadequately prepared to do so, consider attending one of the several expert witness training sessions we have scheduled around the country for the rest of this year. More information about these events can be found in the “AAPLOG Near You” section below. Lastly, we want to keep track of our members’ advocacy efforts – and maybe even showcase them in these member updates – so if you’ve written pro-life pieces for a local publication or been featured in the news, feel free to email us the link at info@aaplog.org.