On September 9, AAPLOG was awarded the Evangelium Vitae Award by the Catholic Medical Association at their 92nd annual conference in Phoenix, Arizona. The Evangelium Vitae Award recognizes outstanding service to the Pro-Life Movement. Over 700 physicians and allied healthcare professionals were in attendance at this conference, which occurred September 6-9. The theme of this year’s conference was courage, and several of the talks at this conference emphasized the importance of fighting for good, authentic healthcare grounded in truth. Several AAPLOG friends and members offered talks at this conference, including Dr. Marguerite Duane, board-certified family physician and fertility specialist, who presented on “Evaluating Pregnancy Rates in Fertility Awareness-Based Methods of Family Planning”, and neonatologist Dr. Robin Pierucci, who presented on “End of Life Issues at Life’s Beginning: Perinatal Palliative Care”.
AAPLOG Board Member Dr. Lisa Gilbert, MD, FAAFP, who accepted the award on our behalf at the conference, states,
AAPLOG was very pleased to receive [this award]. This included a standing ovation from the entire CMA board and committee chairs for AAPLOG’s outstanding service to the prolife movement, especially in the aftermath of the overturning of Roe. We will continue to work alongside the CMA with our shared commitment to valuing life from conception, and holistically supporting both pregnant women and their preborn children.
We are proud to be partnering with CMA to promote compassionate and life-affirming healthcare consistent with the Hippocratic oath, support medical professionals, and work to establish a culture of life in the medical profession. We are also thankful to members and supporters like you, without whom the work we do would not be possible. From offering expert testimony in court and before state and federal legislatures, to defending the health and lives of pregnant women and preborn children on social media, the work you do is invaluable.