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Colorado Democrats Propose Ban on Abortion Pill Reversal

On March 9, Colorado Democrats unveiled multiple pro-abortion bills in their state Senate. One of them, SB 190, titled “Deceptive Trade Practice Pregnancy-Related Service”, purports to regulate false advertising among organizations providing pregnancy services. The bill would make it a deceptive trade practice for a person to publicly disseminate information indicating that an organization provides or refers for abortion or emergency contraceptives when in fact it does not. SB 190 would also make it such that a healthcare professional who “provides, describes, administers, or attempts medication abortion reversal” would be engaging in “unprofessional conduct” and therefore “subject to discipline”. Last year, Colorado enshrined unlimited abortion rights into law. Republicans are a minority in the state legislature, which means pro-abortion legislators hold the advantage in their efforts to pass this bill.

Abortion Pill Reversal, or the use of natural progesterone to reverse the effects of Mifepristone, is a treatment protocol that, since 2009, has saved the lives of around 4,000 children whose mothers had begun a chemical abortion procedure but changed their minds. Though it is a relatively new treatment (first used in 2011), multiple layers of evidence support it. First is the biologic logic: progesterone outcompetes mifepristone to bind with progesterone receptors. There’s also animal research supporting this mechanism, and a few human studies, including a case series involving 754 women that found that APR more than doubled the chances of a continuing pregnancy in women who ingested mifepristone compared to taking mifepristone alone (that is, starting but not finishing a chemical abortion regimen). AAPLOG hosted a webinar with Dr. George Delgado, founder of the Abortion Pill Reversal Network, which you can view here for more information on APR.

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