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Students/Residents: Apply For Annual Honeycutt Poster Contest

Students and residents are invited to submit an academic poster presentation for the Honeycutt Poster Award. This contest allows you to have your research presented at a national professional conference. Posters will be judged based on scientific merit, applicability to life issues, and presentation. The award winner will be announced on Sat, Feb. 24, 2024 during the Matthew Bulfin Educational Conference (MBEC) in Frisco TX.  See details here.  This year’s award winner was Alexandra Davidson with the topic of the perceived efficacy of fertility awareness-based methods of family planning among OB-GYNs. You are also invited to apply to attend the conference as a Joe DeCook scholar and we will cover your travel, hotel, and conference fees!  Apply here before Jan. 17, 2024.   

Above: Medical student Alexandra Davidson (center) accepts the Honeycutt Award at MBEC 2023. 

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