The American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists Awarded $100,000 Heritage Innovation Prize for Abortion Pill Reversal Education Project 

The medical professional organization will utilize this grant to fund the production of an online course about reversing the abortive effects of the abortion drug mifepristone. 

(WASHINGTON, DC) May 20, 2024 – Today, the Heritage Foundation announced its decision to award the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) one of their annual Heritage Innovation Prizes. AAPLOG will be granted $100,000 to fund the creation of an online course about abortion pill reversal (APR) to be offered to medical professionals and hospital systems. 

APR, or natural progesterone therapy to prevent pregnancy loss after the consumption of the abortion drug mifepristone, has been used for over a decade to treat women who began an abortion drug regimen but regret doing so and wish to save their preborn child’s life. To date, over 4,500 babies have been born alive after their mothers underwent this treatment. With the rise of abortion drugs (which are currently used to perform 63% of induced abortions), as well as self-managed abortions, in which women undergo chemical abortions with little to no medical guidance or counseling, AAPLOG foresees that the need for this lifesaving therapy will skyrocket and hopes to equip medical professionals to offer it to their patients – regardless of their position on abortion. 

Furthermore, pro-abortion ideological actors are attempting to ban medical professionals from offering this evidence-based treatment based on spurious and dishonest claims. Most recently, in early May, the New York State Attorney General sued eleven pregnancy resource centers over their provision of APR. 

“Despite expanding the horizons of choice for women, APR has been the object of unscientific, partisan attacks,” says Dr. Christina Francis, CEO of AAPLOG. “To combat this, we at AAPLOG, with the help of the Heritage Innovation Prize, are developing an online course that hospitals can use to educate medical professionals about the scientific evidence that supports offering patients APR. We are so grateful for the Heritage Foundation’s support and look forward to continuing to provide women and our preborn patients with excellent, cutting-edge care.” 

The Heritage Foundation’s Innovation Prizes were established in 2022 “to recognize and advance innovative projects, strategies, and policy solutions of organizations that are seeking to ensure the future of American self-governance.” Through this program, the Heritage Foundation awards a total of $1 million annually to “results-oriented non-profits for projects involving research, litigation, education, outreach, or communications.”  

The American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists is the world’s largest organization of pro-life medical professionals. Founded in 1973, AAPLOG equips its approximately 7,500 members, consisting of physicians and other medical professionals, to offer an evidence-based rationale for defending the lives of both pregnant mothers and their children. 

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