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The Harms of Abortion After 15 Weeks: The Medical Perspective

AAPLOG rejects abortion after the first trimester because the procedure unnecessarily inflicts severe pain on a pain capable living human being and presents increased risks to the mother.

Abortion after 15 weeks uses extreme and inhumane procedures.

  • A D&E procedure is the most common method of abortion (95%) once the fetus has become fully formed, when the tissue cannot be completely removed solely with suction (in the beginning of the second trimester, around 14 weeks). The size of the fetus and his calcified bones necessitate his extraction manually.
  • The abortionist will progressively disarticulate the fetus by pulling off his legs and arms and sections of his torso, prior to crushing and removing his skull. This is a non -intact D&E, or ā€œdismemberment abortionā€.

Click here to see the full 15 week fact sheet.