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Three Items

Dear ProLife Colleague, Attention: TEXAS doctors, esp ObGyn and FP: Linda Schlueter, president of the Trinity Legal Center (San Antonia, TX) is asking for your help as they try to get the Texax Sonogram legislation out of litigation and into action. She simply needs a statement (affidavit) by you of your standard use of ultrasound and informed consent in your obstetric practice. If you would be willing to do one, for details, you can contact Linda either by phone at 210-274-5274 or via e-mail at Unfortunately, time is of the essence as we are rapidly approaching December 7, the deadline for this. We urge you to help these folks help the cause of the unborn (and their mothers). Attention: anyone dealing with an abortion-minded woman considering a mifeprex abortion. Abby Johnson, author of “Unplanned” (a book on Plannned Parenthood operations), gives a graphic first person account of her own Mifeprex abortion several years ago. You, and your abortion-minded patient, need to read it. Gripping. Find it at Dr. Priscilla Coleman’s article in the Brit J. of Psychiatry has hit a raw nerve. The letters to ed. objecting to her article are multiple, and often ill informed. Does the American Psychological Assn have a bias? Consider that in 1969 the APA passed a resolution which made the pro-choice political position the organization’s official stance and declared abortion a civil right. For decades the APA has aligned itself with major organizations with pro-choice social agendas. Then answer that question. You can find AAPLOG’s evaluation of the APA’s conclusions at The British Journal of Psychiarty was kind enough to print Dr. Coleman’s defense. And you can find Dr. Coleman’s reply to the critic’s objections to her article at