Your Tax Dollars at Work Against a Pro-Lifer

Liberty Alert from Liberty Counsel – (Read this Liberty Alert online at August 24, 2010 Dear ProLife Colleague, The following is a news release from Liberty Counsel: U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Files Suit Against Pro-Lifer Liberty Counsel has agreed to represent Mary Susan Pine, a sidewalk abortion counselor, who is being sued by the politically motivated U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder. Using the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) federal law and seeking the maximum fine of $10,000, Holder alleges that Pine “obstructed” a car entering a Florida abortion clinic nearly a year ago, on November 19, 2009. The suit is entitled Holder v. Pine. The suit alleges only one act on November 19, 2009, in which Holder claims Pine obstructed a car by stepping in front of the vehicle when it entered the clinic. Pine never obstructs anyone and denies she ever obstructed any vehicle. Notwithstanding, Holder’s suit alleges Pine is a threat and must be fined the maximum of $10,000. Holder’s complaint is only 31⁄2 pages. Since the passage of FACE in 1994, this case is the first time anyone has been sued in Florida under the law. AAPLOG comment: Come to your own conclusions. We will report on this case as it develops.